2 Great Sex Positions To Last Longer And Give Your Woman Sensational Sex
So you feel embarrassed and frustrated simply because you're unable to last long during lovemaking. It's something that bothers you always and you wish you could stop this problem of premature ejaculation. You have probably used commercial solutions like creams, sprays and pills; but not only are they expensive, they don't provide a permanent solution. You'll be pleased to learn that there are great sex positions to last longer. Yes, you could last longer in bed simply by adopting certain sex positions. A number of positions, such as the traditional missionary position practiced by most men, more often than not cause early ejaculation. Let's examine two great sex positions to last longer.
"The Female Superior"
This is one of the best sex positions to help you last longer. Unlike the traditional missionary position, this position makes your body relax. Since no tension is exerted on your hand and leg muscles, then you will definitely last longer.
In this position, you lie on your back and allow her to mount you. There will be no tension exerted on your body muscles since you're lying down, and thus helping you gain control over your arousal. This is definitely a great sex positions to last.
More often than not, women like to exercise authority in bed to some extent, and so this position gives your wife or girlfriend greater control over the thrusting movements€¦ thus allowing her to stimulate herself the way she wants. This will make her reach an orgasm fast.
The Tantalizing "L"
In this sex position, you allow your wife or girlfriend lie on her back and you make your body form an €L€ shape with hers by kneeling or standing on the ground at the edge of the bed. Start penetrative movement slowly and don't go deep, at the same time try to keep your body muscles relaxed. This position is very effective because when you are standing or kneeing, it helps to restrict the flow of blood from your extremities. Your penis is not overly stimulated, gives you great control over your arousal and thus makes you last longer.
Also, this position gives you an opportunity to stimulate her more by using your hands. To give her an even more pleasurable experience, lift up her buttocks using a pillow. This will enable you to easily locate and stimulate her erogenous zones.

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